Guide for
citizen action
This guide is for people, communities, organizations and collectives that want to stop the damages and threats to nature and their communities. Long before and beyond the right to private property, there is the right to a dignified life.
Guía: Implicaciones del código civil (2020) en el ambiente
Understanding how complex and overwhelming the issue of the Civil Code passed by the legislature and awaiting the signature of Wanda Vázquez Garced can be, we have created this guide to facilitate the understanding of the areas that can affect the environment and public domain property.
Here you will find definitions and examples so that everyone can understand how this law impacts these areas.
Marejada insurrecta
Here we share with you our manifesto under construction “Marejada Insurrecta”, made with a lot of love.
Guía: ¿Qué es recuperación justa?
During 2021 Amigxs del M.A.R. worked cycles of workshops around Puerto Rico on post-disaster recovery processes. From a critical point of view, together with the participating communities, we redefined how Just Recovery is seen from BELOW through a participatory and empowering process.